Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Book Club Update

Oh, my dear sweet neglected book clubs, how I feel I've failed you. For those of you new to my blog, or just simply forgotten, I am a part of two book clubs. My Ladies Book Club is a group of my friends that I have known for many years and have been a part of previous book clubs as well. This one is a bit more laid back and we meet every month, usually at someone's house. We have loads of treats and drink really good wine. I originally started out posting very extensive posts about our meet ups; what we ate, what everyone thought, etc. That was going well until this summer. Basically our lives caught up with us. My posts fell by the way side a bit, as did my attendance. More about that later.

My second book club started last year with a former Borders co-worker and her circle of friends and colleagues. I now call these ladies friends and have really grown to love this group. This is a bit more organized. We meet every other month and had our list of books set for the year. Our official second year will begin in January. I posted about my struggles with this club earlier this summer when I was having a hard time getting in to the books picked. I left off stating that I had better get my butt into gear for September with Freedom by Jonathen Franzen. Well, it didn't happen. I was unable to attend and I didn't read it. I am not going to pressure myself with our last book for this year, Never Let me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, though it seems like something I would really like. And it's short. I'm looking forward to finding out what our next year's books will be. We have broken them up into categories; Classics, Fiction, Mysteries, Young Adult and Memoir, in hopes to get more variety. We had so many hard, intense novels this past year. Yowza!

As for my first book club, our titles were good reads but didn't bring on much discussion. Over the summer we read Night Road by Kristin Hannah, Is everyone hanging out without me? by Mindy Kaling, Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout and The Girl who fell from the sky by Heidi Durrow. I missed two of those meet ups due to scheduling mishaps at work. Next month we are discussing Bossypants by Tina Fey. Atleast I have that one down! And Christmas time we will meet up again and eat lots of treats and maybe read and discuss a Christmas themed book.

Overall, I am grateful for my book clubs in my life. I know my readers have enjoyed being a part of that experience and for that, I feel bad for not keeping up with the posting. I am going to try to do my best next year. But after discussing it during our nights, it's hard to rush back to the computer to sum it all up again. 

I will keep a sidebar of the books we plan to read on my blog but I may or may not link an extensive post about each book.

Honestly, sometimes I just enjoy the damn wine. :)

Happy reading and as always, thanks for stopping by!

red headed book child


Teresa said...

Absolutely nothing wrong with just enjoying the wine and good company!

Tales of Whimsy said...

LOL that part (the wine) is totally understandable :)

Cheryl said...

Please please please read Never Let Me Go! It's still one of my top-rated books.

Cheryl said...

Please please please read Never Let Me Go! It's still one of my top-rated books.

Jo-Jo said...

Our book club read Night Road last year and we had mixed feelings about it. I've only read a couple of Hannah's books, but most of my fellow members just love her. I haven't hopped on her bandwagon yet.

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

I was looking at your sidebar and seen you are listening to Ready Player One. LOVED that one!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Now that is my idea of a fun book club:)

Christine said...

Quite a few books you list there have been on my radar! I don't belong to any real-life book clubs. Just one on goodreads, but it's a small group so it's been nice reading and discussing a book each month.

I like the idea of mixing up the genres for each month. That would be my kind of book club!

Lisa said...

My book club has been such a disappointment lately - last night four people said they were coming, two showed up. One had not read any of the book, one had read only half. I may just have to consider every other month and see if I can get people to read and show up. But I do enjoy getting together with these ladies so who knows. I let everyone contribute to the book list and I still can't get people to show up to discuss the books they suggest. So, my point is, you're not alone in finding that life is just too busy even for some things you really want to do.

StephTheBookworm said...

I have always been so envious of your awesome book clubs! Don't feel pressured, just enjoy them! :)