Week in Review
It's funny when you have a child, you sort of measure your time and days based on healthy or not healthy. We have had (knock on every piece of wood you can find) 6 days of healthy without antibiotics. Seriously, I love being a parent but I may end up in an insane asylum late in life. He, of course, will flourish and become a beautiful, wonderful, well adjusted man who will be ashamed to introduce anyone to his nervous tick of a mother. (ha ha, i know but I am a little bit of a worry wort).
Today marked his H1N1 shot, which also I was up in arms about but weighed risk for and
against, I went for it. Yes, I'm one of those parents. I question the nurses and doctors to death, asking for handouts and charts and pictures if I need them. :) I am a research junkie and have been told to stay away from medical journals.
Good news, he is walking and running again. And I have returned to cleaning the floors again. (more regularly of course....) ugh.
Anyway, on to my book life.
Aside from the fun of having my first blog tour for Melissa Senate's The Secret of Joy and reviewing an AWESOME book; Seeing Redd by Frank Beddor and a NOT SO AWESOME book; The Christmas Cookie Club by Ann Pearlman, I received some incredible books this week.
For review, I received Book V: Heather in the Circle of Friends series by L. Diane Wolfe. If you have not discovered her yet, check out her blog Spunk on a Stick or her publisher,
Dancing Lemur Press. She is the author of some amazing young adult novels.
Also for review, the children's book For Faithful Friends by Marilyn Randall. Coming also from her for the holiday is Elmer, the Christmas Elf that I will be reviewing as

I won a copy of The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent (so excited for this one!) from Mary at The Sweet BookShelf. Thank you!
I purchased a copy of Eggs in Purgatory by Laura Childs for 60 cents people! I am gearing up for her book signing on December 6 at a local mystery bookstore in my area. She will be touring for the second book in this series (The Cackleberry Club), Eggs Benedict Arnold. !!!
I picked up two ARCS from my bookstore, both memoirs that sound amazing.
The Mountain of Crumbs by Elena Gorokhova and The Gift of an Ordinary Day by Katrina Kenison. The first is a story of a young Soviet girl and the other is a story of a mother who remembers and misses the ordinary things about her kids.

I will be giving away some awesome Science Fiction/Fantasy titles in the next few
weeks. I was given a very hefty bag full from a friend of mine, who is also a reader, writer and
reviewer. Thank you to him!
Lastly, the winner of Green by Ted Dekker is Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit. I will email you for your address. Thanks to those who responded and entered.
Have a great weekend and Happy Reading!
* red headed book child
(probably the only person who has NOT seen New Moon yet. Grr...!)
Hahaha, I haven't seen New Moon yet, and I don't really want to deal with the crazy crowds. I don't mind crowds in general, but waiting 2 hours to watch it?!
Wow, I'm going to keep my eyes open for your big giveaway! :-)
I have an award for you when you get a chance.
I ended up getting the H1N1 for the Pea this week, too. It was a tough call because he's in such a low risk category to get it, but he's in a high risk category to have complications if he does.
All the fuss was for naught. He didn't have any complications from the vaccine. :)
New Moon was good. I'd give it a solid B. I went with two Team Jacob gals from my critique group, and they almost had me converted by the end of the movie. Who knew a werewolf could be such cougar bait?
One of the benefits of having older children is that you get more healthy days than unhealthy days. Even when they are sick, you don't spend as much time caring for them nor are they in as much risk of getting really sick very rapidly.
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