Friday, May 20, 2011

Things that are going through my head before BEA.

Last year I was really super organized when I went to BEA and the BBC. I had everything planned to the "T" and you know what? It all ended up in the air anyway. All for the best really.
This year I am taking a casual approach because I know a little bit what to expect and I don't really want to rush. I know I have to wear comfy shoes. I know that I should have business cards in hand. I know to be polite and professional because this year I'm going completely as a blogger and I know that it is a privilege.

But I have to admit, my head is still spinning with all the stuff that is going on and though my approach may be more casual, I can't shut my darn mind off.

So, here is a glimpse of what is going through my brain in anticipation of BEA.
(I warn you. I'm random and weird and I get distracted VERY easily)

- Crap, my hair is so not red right now. I have WAY too much grey.
- Do I have TIME to color my hair?
- Are they going to think I'm a fraud?
- Note to self: squeeze in hair appointment.
-Whew. Done.
- Where are my Keens? I need them for my trip. Oh dear, they are really worn out.
-I really should send that giveaway book out to Jenny from Take Me Away before the 4th of July.
- What a bad blogger I am. I haven't even posted about BEA yet really.
- I am so bummed that I will not get to meet Ice-T.
-It's weird that I'm most excited about him and Mo Willems. What range I have.
- What if I'm not nearly as interesting in person as I am in the blogosphere?
-Do people really think I'm interesting?
- Will I be able to talk that much to strangers?
-Gosh, I hope I don't drink too much out of anxiety.
-I wonder if Stacy from A Novel Source snores.
-I wonder if I'll snore.
- I really need to pack.
- I can't believe we still have to take off our shoes at the airport. yuck.
- I hope I can figure out how to get to the hotel from the airport.
- Boy, I really need to stop thinking so much.

You get the idea?

I can't wait to meet all of you!
I hope my mind will be calm by then :)

red headed book child


Teresa said...

You are too funny! I hope you have a great time at BEA.

Jill Buck said...

Isn't it funny how our minds work? I have to admit that I don't know much about BEA. Just bits and pieces from bloggers posts. For the past month or two while bloggers were posting about it I kept wondering if I should admit my ignorance or pretend to know all about it too. Guess I just decided! Hope youhave a great time!

Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

BEA sounds so exciting. I'm so jealous.

Tales of Whimsy said...

You are so cute. Hooray for hair color.

Jenny said...

I already met you and you ARE that interesting, lol!! And don't worry about the book... I'm not in a hurry trust me LOL!

Misha said...

I hope you figure out all the answers to your questions soon.
Have fun!

Mystica said...

Of course you have to take off your shoes, and your belt, (the buckles you see) also your mobile phone and your ipad!!! enjoy the trip. things will fall into place.

Joy Weese Moll said...

Fretting over that hotel to airport thing, too....I suppose I should figure it out pretty soon.

Florinda said...

I'm sure you'll be much more interesting than I am...but I understand we'll be at dinner together one night next week, so I guess we'll find out then :-). Looking forward to meeting you!

Erica said...

Hope to meet you there! :)

Ryan said...

I wish I was going....maybe one of these years I'll get to go.

By the way, love the fact you wear Keens....some of my favortie shoes and especially sandals.

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Stopped by and love this post - you are funny! It was great seeing you again!