Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Red Headed Book Child: 2010

red headed book child: the year 2010

Folks, I've seen a lot of you announce changes and plans for your blogs for the new year and I am impressed with your drive and organization. This will be my first "new year" in blogging and though I have tweaked my design, my layout, my postings a bit, I have not made any major changes to my blog. This comes from complete lack of time (toddler) and energy (toddler) and the know how and computer savvy to actually do it all (80s child).

The important thing to me is and always will be to review whatever it is I'm reading. Though I primarily read fiction, mysteries, young adult, humor and memoir one of my goals in the new year is to broaden my reading horizons. It is important to me to still have a credible blog with reviews that are worth reading but I go for my gut with what to read and what I'm in the mood for so you are going to see a lot of variety from me.

For example, I follow a few of you who read a lot of romance. This has never been a genre that I have read a lot of or really cared to. But many of you have written reviews so well and so fun that I am inspired to seek out a few. Because that genre is so large I am referring to Book Blogs to help me decide what to read. So for January and February, you will see a few reviews and blog tours for saucy romance reads and I am super excited to do so!

I still have not picked what challenges to do and once again, it's all about mood for me. So keep posted and I'll let you know!

I will continue to do Week in Review (except for Christmas, sorry! I was weak from too many goodies!) and Author Love-a-Thons and when I can I will participate in Teaser Tuesdays, Waiting on Wednesdays and Throwback Thursdays.

I really just like to read all of you and comment as much as I can and stay on top of my reviewing. I'm not very fancy here at Red Headed Book Child.

My friend and book stalker, Rachel, has a super smart tech savvy husband who is planning on helping me design the blog header of my dreams ( I may not be tech savvy but I do have ideas!). Due to our crazy lives (toddler), we have yet to meet up. This WILL happen however after the new year.

In May of 2010, I am planning my big trip along with my friend Cheryl to BEA! I am staying on top of any news regarding the Book Blogger Convention that may happen. I am also hoping to finally meet the wonderful people of Simon and Schuster after all of these years of book sharing! And I hope to maybe meet some of you too!

Thank you all for following me and commenting and being such wonderful folks. I have had a blast since I've started in late July. I see my 127 followers as an awesome mark of achievement. You all make up for all of the kids who never showed up to my birthday parties when I was a kid ( ha ha!)

As always, Happy Reading!!

red headed book child


Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog tremendously and hope that 2010 continues the adventure for you. It will be great to read your thoughts on all kinds of good stuff :)

Happy New Year!!

PS. I'm not fancy either--works for me LOL

Julie@My5monkeys said...

I'm trying to go to the BEA in NY too. I like your take on book reviews too.Its nice to have meet you online too.

Melissa said...

I enjoy visiting your blog, Michelle. I'm not computer savvy either, so I keep it pretty simple.


Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle :)
Thanks for the post. I really like your blog.
A BookBlogger Convention sounds really awesome.
Here's to a great 2010!
PS - I love the picture of your toddler.

Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

Old Bookworm- Thank you so much for your kind words. I enjoy your blog as well.

Julie- Maybe we will run into each other at BEA!!!

Melissa- thank goodness I'm not the only one lacking tech savvy! I enjoy visiting your blog as well.

RK- I'm not in charge of the Book Blogger Convention but I heard about it during Book Blogger Appreciation Week last Sept. I hope it happens. It would be fun!!!
My toddler is a blast!

Amy J said...

I love your blog so much! I especially love all those photos of the cute little one! Love those eyes!

Careful getting a new blog header! It gets addicting to where you want a new one every week! LOL

Lisa said...

Ah, I'm so glad I could be a part of making up for all of those kids that didn't show up to birthday parties!

Jenny said...

I love reading your reviews!

At one point I was seriously considering BEA, but I haven't thought about it much lately. I'll have to think seriously about it over the next couple months.

I look forward to your review of The Lightning Thief. I really want to read that series, especially since the movie is coming out soon. And also the one your hubby is reviewing! I have The Know It All on my TBR by the same author.

Marce said...

Joining you on the mom of a toddler, reading depending on mood and time and not so techy either, lol

Happy New Year to you.

Here are my favourites from 2009

Mel (He Followed Me Home) said...

Lucky you for the BEA! I will live vicariously through you ;)

Looking forward to reading more of your blog in 2010 - you've branched out & I'm focusing on YA, lol.

Happy New Year!

Christine said...

Hi Michelle!
I don't know how you do anything other than kiss that little boy of yours all day long.. he's SO cute!

I love your reading and blogging goals. I'm happy to see you've been inspired by your romance reading blogging friends to give the genre a try. I really love it. 2009 ended up being a big year for me to branch out to new genres. I read a memoir this year and a few mysteries as well. I'll always love romance best, but it's nice to read something off the beaten track once in a while.

I'm looking forward to your personalized header. Maybe you'll inspire me to try to make one for my blog sometime, too.

I'm keeping my ears open for any info regarding BEA in 2010, myself. I had thought about going in 2009, but it was such a busy time for my family at the time, so it didn't work out. Maybe this year. I'd love to hang out with you! Keep me posted! :)

Happy New Year!!!

Christine said...

Oh! I forgot... I see you're just starting The Lightning Thief! I've wanted to read that for some time now, too. Maybe on my next library loot trip!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Happy New Year! This is a great post and I love reading your blog! Here is to another fun year :)

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love that photo! Happy New Year!

Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

That is one spectacular photo!! Your little ginger is absolutely adorable.

I'm looking forward to seeing some of the new stuff your going to read in this new year. Enjoy broadening your horizons!

Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

I also have an award for you over at my blog: