Translated from the Danish by Anne Born
From Denmark to Riga and back, through two World Wars, to India and Afghanistan, to America as it was and as it is, and through boarding schools, mental hospitals, and almshouses for the poor, Suzanne Brogger's The Jade Cat is a sweeping family saga of almost limitless ambition.
At the heart of the narrative and of this Jewish family unit is the grandmother, Katze, and her memories. She tells the story from her patrician apartment in Copenhagen's Gammel Mint 14, where she has lived since the 1940s. It is a haunting portrait of the pride, conceit, grandness, and despair that has followed the Levin family while the world outside the old apartment gradually fell apart. The family remains prey to drug addiction and suicide attempts. Some escape into sex, others into Evangelical politics or religion.
With an unlikely but sympathetic cast of grotesques, this gripping saga of Danish highlife and lowlife through three generations of a tormented family is as diverse and uncompromising as William Styron's Sophie's Choice and Isabel Allende's House of Spirits.
Sounds fantastic, can's wait for your review. I'm glad to see Chuck looking so at home! :-)
This sounds like wonderful read. I look forward to your review and know my TBR list shall continue to grow.
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